Home >> Government >> Board of Trustees
Position: Supervisor
Summary of Statutory Duties: Moderates board meetings, township’s legal agent, develops township budget, oversees assessing office
Email: supervisor@leroytownship.org
Position: Clerk
Summary of Statutory Duties: Custody of township records (minutes, oaths, ordinance book, cemetery), maintains general ledger, prepares warrants for township checks, keeps voter registrations and conducts elections
Email: clerk@leroytownship.org
Position: Treasurer
Summary of Statutory Duties: Collects property, personal, and mobile home taxes; receives receipts for expenditures; issues checks; deposits township revenues in approved investment vehicles, Liaison on the Planning Commission.
Email: treasurer@leroytownship.org
Position: Trustee
Summary of Statutory Duties: Township legislator, required to vote on all issues, responsible for township’s fiduciary health, Board Liaison on Zoning Board of Appeals.
Position: Truestee
Summary of Statutory Duties: Township legislator, required to vote on all issues, responsible for township’s fiduciary health.